The Toast-ess with the Mostest!

This has been an incredible #Dancegiving! All of the money you’ve given us in November (through December 10) will be sent directly to relief efforts in Puerto Rico. When’s the last time that your rendition of The Robot served such a worthy purpose?


And to thank you all for your support, we wanted to make a toast…DJ TOAST!


DJ Toast is no stranger to the DDPP dance floor and (as her name might have already indicated) she really brought the JAM.


In fact, we danced so hard and felt so empowered that we had no trouble opening the jar all by ourselves ON THE FIRST TRY.

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A toast, a toast, to DJ TOAST! And a toast to you, you heroic warrior of dance! We hope to see you again very soon, but in the meantime, you can revisit these toasty tunes at your leisure:

DJ Sex Frosting Lets Us Eat Cake!

We all love cake. We love chocolate cake. Carrot cake. Yellow cake. Red Velvet. Marble. Funfetti. Angel Food. Devil’s Food. Bundts. Cupcakes. Pancakes…crab cakes? Sure. Crab cakes. WE LOVE CAKE.


But more than anything else, we love the frosting, and this is something that extends to our love of people…especially people like DJ Sex Frosting.


She’s got the kind of edgy sweetness that we crave.


And yes, if she was available by the jar at the grocery store, we’d buy her in bulk and snack all day, every day.

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But until that day comes, we get a sugar high every time she creates a playlist for us, and this one was no exception. Bon appetit!