DJ Bell Biv deHo Greets Spring With Sunshine Beats!


Hi DDPP Blog Readers! DJ (and former Den Mama) Bell Biv deHo here, ready to wax poetic on the third best of all the seasons: Spring!

Ah, la Primavera! From the opening lines of “The Rite of Spring” to all the Bed Bath & Beyond coupons for cleaning supplies, the coming of Spring is a celebration! Spring says “Throw open those windows! Retire your wool sweaters! Beat the shizzle out of those musty rugs!”—both literally and figuratively. In a sense, DDPP says the same thing. DDPP is unfailing in its encouragement to bust out of a rut and into a groove, to cut footloose, to channel that canned heat in your heels. DDPP wants ladies everywhere to Get. It.

napolean dynamite.gif

Also, the prep and work that goes into crafting a DDPP playlist is a lot like beating said musty rug. (Stay with me here.)

First, you have to get the idea and stick to it, really keep that promise to tackle the job. “It’ll be fun!” you tell yourself, and Yourself doesn’t lie. You sign up to DJ and the good times begin.

Next, time to craft the best 60 minutes of song. I like a good theme, but there are no rules, rhyme, or reason to playlist sculpting. To continue my rickety metaphor: When the rug of musical options is hanging heavily before you, it’s best to get out the stick of free-association and start a-whacking!

(Hmmm….this metaphor got weird fast, didn’t it?)

Grandma Beating Sack

Point is, once a DJ starts down the delicious, delightful rabbit hole of music selection for a DDPP playlist, all the dust mites and spider webs and hair dolls fall from the um… “rug of songs”. What’s left is a solid 60 minutes of Grade-A sunshine-stamped, pure energy. That feeling is transported via speakers and disco lights straight into the dancey feet and happy heads of DDPPers. It’s a celebration, much like Spring. (See? It makes sense!)

In fact, I was so in the rabbit hole that I accidentally forgot to beat out a last-minute contender, so this particular playlist has a bonus endorphin-pumping Spring swinger. Consider it my gift to you. Happy Vernal Equinox!

Yours in dance-

DJ Bell Biv deHo

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