Gettin’ Jiggy With Music That All Sounds Like It Should Be on Knight Rider: A One Paragraph Expose on My Playlist From Wednesday

MC Escher here. When I DJ for DDPP, I listen to my playlists in advance to test them out. I do a full run through during some kind of workout, whether it’s dancing around the room, going running, or maybe just cleaning the house (I actually break a sweat doing that). I like to confirm that each song  passes the “Yes, I can actually dance to this song” test. Listening to the playlist I made for Wednesday (9/16), I noticed there seemed to be a disproportionate quantity of songs that either a) had a weird tone of urgency to them, or b) sounded like the Knight Rider theme. Neither of these things were intentional but they do lend a certain apocalypticness to the whole experience; there seemed to be a lot of computery voices, dramatic and slightly dark electronic instrumental action, Giorgio Moroder production, and at least one song about falling in love with a robot. I can’t tell if this is a reflection of the state of current pop music, a reflection of the type of music I like, or if just a reflection of something else entirely that is only apparent to my unconscious mind. Who knows? What really concerns me, however, is figuring out if the words “computery” and “apocalypticness” are actual words. No? Well they are now. Welcome to MY BRAAAAAIIIINNNNNN. That’s apparently where everything sounds like the theme to Knight Rider.

So here’s a link where you can download or stream the whole playlist as one hour long file to jam out to at your leisure. And here’s the playlist:

MC Escher DDPP Sep 16th, 2015 songlist

Bring the action: track listing for 9/16/15

Are you on Spotify? I made a Spotify playlist of some of the songs here. It’s is incomplete because not all the songs I used are available on Spotify. But still.

Also! As per the DEPT. OF YOU CAN TOTALLY RELAX NOW: Back on Wed, July 29th I DJed, and we never did a blog post for it with the song list. I know you’ve been turning blue holding your breath (ha ha) waiting for a post that has a similar download option, as well as the track listing. You can find that stuff here, as well as find my July 29th incomplete Spotify playlist here, which is apparently something I’m making a habit out of. Incomplete Spotify Playlist™! Subscribe now!

Hope you like the tunes. Let us know if you want to DJ, cuz we got plenty of spots open! E-mail us at ddppchicago(at)gmail(dot)com to find out which Wednesdays and Sundays are available.


MC Escher

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